
On the go, across mobile and desktop, our catalogue has never been more reachable than now. In partnership with Issuu, our current catalogue has been published digitally on their platform. Read, search and buy products through our digital catalogue - whilst reducing environmental impact.

A faster, more seamless ordering experience

The days are long-gone having to wait for a catalogue in the mail. No matter where you are in the world, instantly begin learning, searching and buying our products for your façade project directly within our digital catalogue. Simply click the links above each item image to be taken to the product on our website to begin adding it to basket.

Find the page you need, instantly

Use the search functionality for faster page finding. Simply search for your panel manufacturer/supplier or a keyword you're looking for via the 'Find' tool to be instantly taken to the page/s within our catalogue featuring this keyword.

A planet-first alternative for our catalogue

By digitalising our catalogue, we're able to drastically reduce our brochure and print production. All whilst improving the customer experience.